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Before filing a complaint in e-CAS Complaint Channel

Prepare it in advance and provide as many details as possible.


Pay close attention not to provide details beyond your name. Certain details, such as relationships, job position, situation, address, etc., can potentially reveal your identity. The eCAS Complaint Channel ensures the anonymity of the complainant concerning their name. However, this may not apply to information that could enable the organization to ascertain the identity of the complainant through the investigation of the information provided by the complainant.


In the event that the organization, institution, or company verifies that the complainant acted in bad faith when filing the complaint—for example, by using information that the complainant knows to be false or by falsifying information—and formally communicates this to eCAS Complaint Channel, eCAS Complaint Channel will be obligated to disclose the identity of the complainant to the organization. Before disclosing the identity, eCAS Complaint Channel will contact the complainant to see if they want to provide more information or documentation regarding the reported incident.


When you submit the complaint, you will receive information in your email account that will give you access to tracking your complaint. This way, you can view the messages that eCAS Complaint Channel needs to convey until reaching out to you.


Save all information you may receive from eCAS Complaint Channel in a secure place.


o  Within a maximum period of seven days from receiving the communication, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent.


o  Please note that if you make the communication anonymously, you must access personally for follow-up, as you will not receive any communication.

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e-CAS compliance management

* This reporting channel is NOT AN EMERGENCY SERVICE. Complaints submitted here may not receive an immediate response.

* If you NEED EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE, please contact the authorities or dial the emergency phone number 112.

* Please DO NOT USE this site to report events that pose an immediate threat to life or property.

* Through this service, you CANNOT SUBMIT INFORMATION that may be considered strictly secret and confidential or that should be safeguarded in the interest of national security.